Egood partition No. j2020041115 overseas order sent to Qatar!

On October 16, order No. j2020041115 has been loaded and started to be sent to Qatar. The project is located in the office of a high-grade office building with a 65 type movable partition with a sound insulation coefficient of 48dB.

While adopting advanced production technology, Egood partition constantly inherits and innovates. Each process is constantly improving. It combines international advanced technology and original technology to create amazing pieces of partition art.

Egood partition has been focusing on production and R & D activities for 19 years. We have done well in every product with our heart. Our projects are growing and our influence in the industry at home and abroad is expanding. We will continue to enjoy our products more powerful and powerful at home and abroad.

On October 16, order No. j2020041115 has been loaded and started to be sent to Qatar. The project is located in the office of a high-grade office building with a 65 type movable partition with a sound insulation coefficient of 48dB.

While adopting advanced production technology, Yigu partition constantly inherits and innovates. Each process is constantly improving. It combines international advanced technology and original technology to create amazing pieces of partition art.

On October 16, order No. j2020041115 has been loaded and started to be sent to Qatar. The project is located in the office of a high-grade office building with a 65 type movable partition with a sound insulation coefficient of 48dB.

While adopting advanced production technology, Egood partition constantly inherits and innovates. Each process is constantly improving. It combines international advanced technology and original technology to create amazing pieces of partition art.






Egood partition has been focusing on production and R & D activities for 19 years. We have done well in every product with our heart. Our projects are growing and our influence in the industry at home and abroad is expanding. We will continue to enjoy our products more powerful and powerful at home and abroad.


On October 16, order No. j2020041115 has been loaded and started to be sent to Qatar. The project is located in the office of a high-grade office building with a 65 type movable partition with a sound insulation coefficient of 48dB.


While adopting advanced production technology, Yigu partition constantly inherits and innovates. Each process is constantly improving. It combines international advanced technology and original technology to create amazing pieces of partition art.

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