What are the advantages of high partition walls?

As the core of an enterprise, the office building contains the leadership, decision-making and grassroots office areas, which not only affects the operation of the entire company, but also the company's external window. A tall office environment is also a proof of the company's strength. Good-looking office areas are well-organized, clearly distributed, and clearly distinguished between departments. On the contrary, the office area where all office staff get together is very chaotic and noisy, which is not conducive to daily work. The high partition wall has also become a high partition, which is now one of the standard in office decoration. The high partition is divided into a traditional partition wall and a glass partition wall. Why is the traditional partition wall called traditional, because its function is relatively backward, not high-grade Compared with traditional partition walls, what are the obvious advantages of glass partition walls?



1. The glass high compartment is quick and easy to install, and the aluminum alloy type material is easy to recycle and reuse. It is a green and environmentally friendly building material with a long service life. In the long run, the material for installing the glass high compartment is more affordable than the traditional partition wall.

2. The size and position of the partition can be adjusted at will. After the module assembly is disassembled, it can be reinstalled in another place. The disassembly and assembly will cause minimal damage to the surface of the material, greatly reducing the cost of changing or relocating the office internal space.

3. The glass high compartment has a switch module assembly, which can facilitate the laying of wires, without the need for pre-embedded walls, and the maintenance of wires is convenient.

4. The venetian blind can be installed inside the glass high compartment, it is not easy to be dirty, no cleaning, and it has better privacy for the financial room and conference room.

5. Glass high compartment has excellent sound insulation effect.

6. The daylighting of the high glass compartment is the best among all partitioning products. The office area attaches great importance to the light requirements, which not only helps employees work, but also makes the office look neat and generous.


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