Which classic styles are more suitable for office partition walls

According to opinion feedback, the purpose of applying the office partition wall is to make office workers in different positions have a quieter and more independent space. The selected office partition wall not only plays a role of blocking the sight, but also plays a role of isolating the sound interference. Today's partition wall is of various styles or types, and now the office partition wall is more suitable for use A brief overview of which styles:



1. Partition

According to the survey feedback, most of the indoor office environments of high-rise office buildings use tempered glass workstations as office partition walls. The work place card is broken to facilitate the improvement of space saving and space utilization, and the selection of certain comfortable and elegant work stations can also improve the taste of the office. The material is recommended to use aluminum alloy frame plus hemp cloth and melamine finish.

2. Double glass louver partition

There are many styles suitable for office partition wall design, and double glass shutters are one of the more classic styles. The vast majority of it is used to isolate the leadership office area from the employee office area, and the material is generally selected in the form of tempered glass plus venetian blind. The leader can observe the work status of the employee through the glass, and when the secret conversation is involved, the venetian blind can be put down to isolate Employee's sight.

3. Inner steel and outer aluminum partition

The internal steel external aluminum partition is also one of the more common office partition walls. The materials used are steel and aluminum. The internal steel external aluminum partition wall created by using these two materials is beautiful and generous, and it can also enhance the corporate office image. . In addition, the inner steel outer aluminum partition wall is more durable and durable than wooden screen partitions and glass partitions, so this inner steel outer aluminum partition is quite popular in the market.

After years of changes in office partition walls, both styles and materials have made breakthrough innovations. This also prompts many trustworthy office partition walls to quickly cause a climax of purchase in the market, and in addition to high-sale office partition walls, in addition to work station partitions, double glass shutters and internal steel and aluminum aluminum partitions, there are also panel partitions and Moving partitions, etc.

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