Artificial leather shipped to Oman

Artificial leather shipped to Oman


Regular client from Oman placed an order of artificial leather to Egood as he wanted to adopt it to the wall of his new hall. The artificial leather that client chose was used as surface finish of movable partition wall which client purchased from Egood. Client was very satisfied with its design and wear resistant. The total quantity that client purchased this time is 1600 meters. It was delivered on 20th Jan. 2020 and client received it 5 days ago. We sincerely hope client will finish his wall decoration on time.


Sample artificial leather:


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Artificial leather shipped to Oman


Regular client from Oman placed an order of artificial leather to Egood as he wanted to adopt it to the wall of his new hall. The artificial leather that client chose was used as surface finish of movable partition wall which client purchased from Egood. Client was very satisfied with its design and wear resistant. The total quantity that client purchased this time is 1600 meters. It was delivered on 20th Jan. 2020 and client received it 5 days ago. We sincerely hope client will finish his wall decoration on time.


Sample artificial leather:



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