The clients from Poland visit Egood operable wall company


The Polish clients was  search and contact us in our website, with the further understanding of the movable wall and Egood factory, they have long waited for an opportunity to visit our factory.Today, we finally ushered in our friend from Poland.


Poland clients visit Egood operable partition company



Egood operable partition company, 15 meter height partition


The Poland visitor was deeply attracted at once by our 15 meter height partition center and go to push it.He said, “Oh my god,this is great!” This 15 meter height movable partition used ultrahigh steel aluminum track ,as you can see in the picture ,client was pushing it with single hand quite easily. 



Egood partition company ,15 meter height partition

The Poland visitors take a photo with Egood sales representative in 15 meter height partition.


Poland clients vivit Egood movable wall company

Poland vivitors are checking the Egood fabric wrapped acoutic panel in production workshop.


Egood operable wall manufacturer , production manufacturing

Egood sales representatives are talking the technical point with Poland clients. Illustrate some key point with some clear picture we taken in site. 


Poland clients and Egood sales representative

 Poland cilents take a photo with Egood sales representative in Egood company. Ending this pleasant trip in Egood company.






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